Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Joy Of Gardening

This past weekend we planted the garden and by "we," I mean "Allen."

Here is Allen, tired and dirty, smiling at the fruits of his labor.

We planted several tomato plants--both red and yellow, zuccini, cucumber, red peppers, jalapeno, basil, sage, dill, rosemary, thyme and catnip.

This is the catnip shortly after planting, about 6:00 p.m. on Saturday evening.

And this is the catnip about 7:00 a.m. Monday morning.

And here are the cats that got no catnip.


Sorry girls.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Crazy Aunt Purl

As you may have surmised from the title, I love Crazy Aunt Purl. I first found CAP through She Just Walks Around With It, whom I also love.

Anyhoo, after reading CAP's post today, I had to say that I wholeheartedly agree. And, CAP, you are funny. I really did LOL, sitting at my desk reading your post.

Basically CAP said everyone is batshit crazy right now, and I am definitely one of those crazies. (Talk about crazy--the Reds just beat the Cubs 9-0.)

Things that are driving me crazy right now:

1. My family. And that's all I have to say about that. Right now, anyway.

2. Another shitty hair cut. I haven't been happy with a haircut since I was visiting San Francisco in May, 2006. Before that, I can't even remember.

3. I need tenants. I have three rental units. One has been empty since September. One may be empty mid-June; we're still waiting on the tenant to decide what she is going to do. And, last night, I learned that my third unit will be empty the end of this month.

4. Gas prices. I know that we all pay for higher gas prices by paying higher prices for everything else we buy. However, I remember the many, many years when I did not have a car and never paid for gas from the pump. Lord, how I miss those days. Now, living in lovely Hamilton, Ohio which has ZERO public transportation, I have to pay A LOT of money for gas. And I DO take public transportation to commute to and from work. I just have to drive 40 minutes round trip to get to it.

5. My foot hurts. The ball of my right foot has been hurting for a while now and I can't jog. It really sucks. (Note to John and David: I hope you enjoyed looking at my legs in heels for seven years, because now I'm crippled.)

6. I need new clothes. The clothes I'm wearing are basically rags. Everyday I go to my closet and weep. Money for clothes? See Crazy Points #2 and #3.

7. Lying politicians and our government in general. I can't read or think too much about this so I really don't know what I'm talking about. I get all my political news from Rolling Stone and if any of it is to be believed at all, we're all getting fucked--and hard.

8. People who don't take care of their children and/or pets. You're disgusting and should be in jail.

9. The unneutered male cat that sprays on both my front and back porches. See Crazy Point #8.

10. My house.


Allen; Mary Ann; Ginger; friends; house; job; car to put gas in; not living in Myanmar; being able to bitch about lying politicians, even when I don't know what I'm talking about and not being thrown in jail or shot; having shoes, even though I can't walk.