What I don't want to do in the morning (or ever): Discuss politics with the IRS agent who sits his fat ass next to me on the bus and begins spewing about Obama bin Laden.
My continuing addiction: Sugar. I had candy corn for breakfast this morning. So, so good.
Conversation with my chiropractor a couple years ago:
Chiro babbling about how his son will not eat what's good for him . . .
Me: Let him eat what he wants. Eventually, his body will crave what it needs and he'll eat it.
Chiro: Unless your digestive tract is full of yeast; then all you crave is sugar and alcohol.
Me: I have that.
I still have that.
Is my current breakfast better than my previous, long-standing breakfast of coffee and cigarettes?
Allen's latest addiction: Fishing. He has recently bought many, many fishing poles, reels and tackle. Oh, and a fishing boat.
I am totally on board with this because, unless it's cold, I ALWAYS want to be outside. Fishing always takes place outside.
We finally rented the last unit and the tenant actually paid the rent. Woo hoo!! That goal accomplished, my next goal is our house. I want all the crap out of it and I want it cleaned up. I want it in shape so we can either rent it or sell it. I want this goal realized by spring.
I took my seven-year old niece roller skating for the first time last weekend. Too funny! Hopefully I will get the photos up soon.
I have spent the last two weekends shopping for clothes. I tried on over 40 pairs of pants and purchased three--not being happy with any of them. I'm right in between sizes and nothing fits. This is why I have no clothes. Very, very irritating.
I recently jointed Facebook. I only joined because I had to see Carolyn's page. Now, I'm completely sucked in. I got a message from a high school friend I haven't seen in years. (Hi, Rebecca!) There are tons of people I know, and I can't wait to post picutures. Just another thing I don't have time for.

This is a photo taken at Mr. S's 101st birthday party. I really need to start wearing some makeup.
Now, go to sleep.