Mary Ann Loves Allen
How cute is this? Cute!
This is Mary Ann in her favorite spot. She is so funny with Allen. When he comes in the door she meows as if to say, "Hi Papa! So nice to see you! Where have you been? Pick me up now! I love you!" If he doesn't pick her up directly, she jumps onto the surface closest to him and meows again. If that doesn't get his attention she jumps on the table and follows him from end to end. When he stops, she stands on her hind legs and puts her front paws on his chest until he picks her up. Then she snorgles his neck, bunts his chin and sometimes nibbles on his earlobe.
In the madness that has been our life for the past couple of weeks--what with hospitals, jails, nursing homes, letters, phone calls, arguments, meltdowns, exhaustion and more hospitals--this is something that puts a smile on my face.
Snorgel? is that a verb? I like it...kind of like a mucusy kiss...
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