Saturday, December 02, 2006

Trip To OC, Part I

In or about 1996, after dating these loser attorneys who went to law school together, DD and I became single. We pretty much spent all of our spare time together. It was awesome. Much more awesome than hanging around the two drips we had recently been relieved of.

Betty told me that I should meet her in LA, when she and her husband would be visiting his father and step-mother. When I brought this up with DD, we agreed that we both should go for the weekend. DD and Betty were very excited to be meeting each other, since I had spoken so highly of both of them to the other. So, DD and I made arrangements to meet Betty and her husband in LA, and we would all stay at the husband's parents' house.

We scheduled our flight to leave SFO sometime around 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. That way, we would all get into John Wayne airport at the same time and we would be able to travel from there together.

It being the Friday night before a vacation weekend, DD and I had to meet for happy hour. The hours after work were very happy for us; especially on Friday. We got to indulge in two of our favorite things--alcohol and each other.

We began the evening at one of our favorite haunts, the Old Ship Saloon. DD's boyfriend (and future husband) was the bartender there (that's how they met. I was there to witness it.) and he made us many yummy, yummy drinks. (Best bartender I ever had, and I know my bartenders.) We chatted up all our friends and had a grand ol' time.

Armed with drunken wisdom, we decided we should go see Mark Sodini, our second favorite bartender, at Sodini's, in North Beach. So, we began the short trek up Broadway.

That's where we met SpiderMan.

When we first saw him, he was across Broadway with a Suit and we didn't yet know he was, indeed, SpiderMan. Drunken DD apparently had something so important to say to the Suit and Spidey, that she crossed the street to talk to them, dragging me along with her. As we were crossing Broadway, the Suit kind of, um, ran away. Fast. Very fast. When we came upon the recently deserted squat bald man wearing a leather jacket, we casually noticed that he had a SPIDERWEB TATTOOED ON HIS FACE AND HIS HEAD!, with the center of the web being the tip of his nose.


We were drunk enough for this not to strike us as odd. We were, after all, seasoned San Franciscans. This was not the first freaky tattoo we had seen. It was the FREAKIEST tattoo we had ever seen. As DD was talking, (interrogating?) SpiderMan, his eyes were darting around looking for someone to save him, it seemed. But, no luck. That part of Broadway was desolate. Then, DD noticed the burns on Spidey's neck and she said, "Ahhhhh, cigarette burns I see." This made Spidey very uncomfortable and he ran away too.

Yes, we scared a man who had a spider web tattooed on his face and head and had cigarette burns on his neck. It was definitely going to be a good weekend.

Undeterred, we ventured on to North Beach where we moved on to doing shots, and completed the hat trick of Sodini's, Gino's and Carlo's, and New Pisa. We were drinking and swearing like sailors, I'm sure, even though I don't remember it all that clearly.

What I do remember is my incredibly loud, obnoxious buzzer going off at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and I hadn't packed a thing. And, I was still very, very drunk.


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